This is the heartwarming moment a senior dog is reunited with her human after three months apart. The 13-year-old Golden Retriever has a heart-melting reaction when she realizes her owner is finally back home. Almost completely deaf, the dog seems to cry when her mom hold her into her arms once again. The adorable scene was captured on camera!

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Army Pvt. Hannah Foraker and her dog, Buddy have always been inseparable friends. So you can imagine how difficult it was – for both of them – when they had to stay separated for a few months.

“I have never been away from home before, so this was a huge deal for me,” the young woman told Today. “It’s truly a character building experience and makes you appreciate the little things in life.”

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The 21-year-old woman joined the army, and she had to stay away from home for three months, for the basic training. All this time, Buddy and Hannah never seen each other, so everyone wanted to see the dog’s reaction upon seeing her friend after so much time apart.

“When I came home we let her outside and, at first, she didn’t realize I was home,” Hannah told ABC News. “Then, she did a double-take and came back to me. That’s when she started crying and whimpering. She was so excited. She just collapsed in pure happiness…”

You can watch the beautiful reunion here:


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