Kevin Hart, a beloved actor and comedian, has been injured and is taking to social media to warn others. Keep reading to learn more about what happened to Kevin Hart and what message he has for his fans.

Kevin Hart recently turned 44 years old. But as always, the actor feels young at heart. But now, he went through an incident which changed his perspective on what aging is like.

He took to social media to say, “Ladies and gentleman, the age 40 is real. To all my men, women out there that are 40 years old and above, it’s not a game,” Hart shared in his post. “Respect that age, or that age will make you respect it. It just made me respect it.”

“I’m in a wheelchair. Why? Well, because I tried to jump out there and do some young stuff… and I was told to sit my ass down,” the comedian went on to explain.


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