It’s truly heartbreaking to witness the cruelty that some people can inflict on innocent animals. However, there are also kind-hearted individuals who step up and provide the love and care these animals desperately need. This is the incredible story of a dog who endured unimaginable pain after being set on fire but is now making an inspiring recovery, all thanks to the efforts of an animal rescue organization.

On February 7, a woman in Nixon, Texas discovered a dog on her front porch, crying out in agony. It was later revealed that the poor creature had been deliberately set on fire. The woman immediately reached out to San Antonio-based rescue group, 4 Little Paws, who wasted no time in providing the dog with emergency medical attention. The rescue organization shared that the dog had sustained severe burns all over her body, with her nose being the most visibly affected. The heartbreaking part was that the wounds appeared to be consistent with the dog desperately trying to escape from her fiery ordeal.

Ashley Book, the medical director of 4 Little Paws, described the heartbreaking scene, “My heart just broke. It was heart-wrenching to see her. She smelled so horrific of fire, her skin was rock hard. It almost appeared melted, but the swelling was what was most evident on her face.” The dog had lost most of her fur, and her ears had to be amputated due to the extent of the burn damage. Despite enduring excruciating pain and multiple surgeries, this resilient dog refused to give up. In honor of her incredible spirit, the rescue organization named her “Phoenix” after the mythical bird that rises from the ashes.

Updates on Phoenix’s progress have been regularly shared by 4 Little Paws. Although some of the photos may be difficult to view due to their graphic nature, it’s essential to acknowledge that things will get worse before they get better. However, Phoenix’s story has touched the hearts of many, with generous donations pouring in to support her recovery. A GoFundMe page has managed to raise over $46,000, ensuring that Phoenix receives the necessary treatments.

Thanks to the surgeries and skin grafts she has undergone, Phoenix’s skin is gradually healing, her kidney functions have stabilized, and her pain is now under control. While she still has a long way to go in her recovery journey, Phoenix has made enough progress to leave the hospital and stay with Ashley Book as a foster dog. Book shared that Phoenix will require several more graft procedures and an eye surgery in the future. For now, she is finding peace and rest in a loving home before continuing her treatments.

Book also revealed that she will most likely adopt Phoenix permanently when the time is right. “I pretty much think I’m going to be her future mom. She’s captured everybody’s hearts, and least of all, mine,” Book expressed.

The fact that someone could deliberately set an innocent dog on fire is truly horrifying. However, we take solace in the fact that Phoenix has emerged stronger from this tragedy and is steadily on the path to recovery. We kindly ask you to keep this incredible dog in your thoughts and emotions. Please share Phoenix’s story to raise awareness about her journey and spread the message of love and compassion for all animals. Together, we can make a difference.

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