Whoopi Goldberg once stood as one of Hollywood’s most cherished figures. During her prime, she graced the screens in acclaimed films such as “The Color Purple” and “Ghost,” while also making memorable appearances on “Star Trek” and performing stand-up comedy for Jerry Lewis annually.
However, her trajectory took a downturn when she joined “The View,” marking the beginning of a decline. In fact, she recently earned the unenviable title of “The most disliked person in Hollywood” by her own colleagues.
“They struggle to secure guests for the show,” revealed former Producer Joe Barron. “They’re left pleading with individuals who happen to be in town for filming, as local residents refuse to associate with them.”
The poll initially circulated among members of the Screen Actors Guild before making its way into the public domain via the internet, where it has since become infamous. A staggering 82 percent of respondents cast their vote against Goldberg, citing her purported “unpleasant demeanor” as the primary reason.
The poll found its way to SAG’s Conservative Committee for review, initiated by Scott Baio and supported by James Woods. With Kevin Sorbo voting by proxy and Roseanne Barr expressing her vote loudly from her current whereabouts, the remaining six actors present unanimously agreed on the verdict.
The lone dissenter was Clint Eastwood, who cited difficulty with the Zoom feature on the iPad his great-great-grandson utilizes for preschool.
It’s a challenging moment when maintaining a positive reputation becomes elusive even within one’s own circle of peers. Perhaps it’s time for Whoopi to consider retirement and pursue new endeavors. God Bless America.