Neighbors Judge Pregnant 50-Year-Old behind Her Back until They Learn Name of Baby’s Father — Story of the Day

Amanda and the women at her book club quickly judged a pregnant 50-year-old woman without knowing the entire story. It was only when they learned the true nature of her pregnancy that they regretted their actions.Amanda was in her 60s and was happily single. She never married, nor did she have any children. To keep herself busy, she hosts the weekly neighborhood book club in her house, where women who lived in the area would gather every Saturday. Amanda only ever got along with the people in her book club through the years. She loved order, so every time a neighbor’s child would break a flower pot or dirty her side of the street, she would get angry. Because of this, the children were afraid of Amanda.

They steered clear of her front yard and never offered her any baked goods and juices they sold every summer, which other neighbors happily supported. One day, Amanda went to the grocery store. There, she met Jane, a 50-year-old neighbor whom she hadn’t spoken to. Jane was at one of the aisles, looking at junk food. “We shouldn’t be eating that kind of junk now that we’re older,” Amanda told her. Jane politely smiled and told her that her household always had chips available at home for their guests. Amanda shook her head and told her which ones to buy. “Then at least go for the organic ones,” she said, pointing at those she thought were better.Amanda always thought she knew best, and the entire neighborhood knew it.

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