In a recent unfortunate turn of events, beloved comedian Jay Leno finds himself back in the hospital. This time, he has broken two kneecaps, two ribs, and fractured his collarbone. It seems luck hasn’t been on his side lately, but Jay is not one to give up easily. Despite the severity of his injuries, he reassured his fans that he is feeling fine and back to work. His determination shines through as he hopes for a speedy recovery in just a matter of days.

The incident occurred while Jay was enjoying a ride on his cherished 1940 Indian motorcycle. Little did he know that an unexpected danger lay ahead. As he entered a backstreet, a wire had been carelessly strung across a parking lot without any warning signs. Within an instant, Jay was thrown from his seat, landing on the pavement. He expressed his innocence, stating that he had no way of knowing about the wire, leaving his motorcycle to roll freely.

This is not the first accident Jay has faced recently. Just last November, he suffered serious burns from a gasoline fire. This incident occurred in his garage, when one of his cars suddenly burst into flames. Thankfully, he received immediate medical attention and was admitted to a burn center in stable condition.

Let’s all send our well wishes and positive thoughts to Jay Leno during this challenging time. We hope for his complete recovery as soon as possible. Don’t forget to share this article with your loved ones on Facebook.

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