Cara Delevingne launched a furious tirade urging friends to inflict ‘four years of hell’ on Republicans as Donald Trump was elected President.
The supermodel, 32, led a legion of liberal luvvies in the UK including Paloma Faith and Dawn O’Porter, who shared their ‘devastated’ reactions as they woke to the news of Trump’s election night victory.
Cara, who has a home in Los Angeles, sent out a defiant ‘message to her friends’ not to despair, but rather to focus on defeating Republicans, who she described as ‘fascists, misogynists, bigots and liars’.

Her post said: ‘A message to my friends: ‘Trump will win the White House The GOP has control of the Senate. This is gutting yes, but freeing too. We get to make every day over the next four years hell for fascists, misogynists, bigots and liars.
‘This is not the time to shrink. Nor the time to despair. This is the time for that classic Disney, larger than life, kinda gay, impossibly well dressed, unbelievably cool villainy. That punk rock, black parade guerrilla s***. This is our villain era.
‘Make art. F** s** up. Build power. They are about to learn the hardest thing about gaining power is keeping it.’