People were left baffled after looking at the image, which depicts an unfed child posing in a park with her hands in front of her waist.
At first glance, it appears the girl’s legs are unusually long and skinny, but the picture comes with a shocking twist.

Twitter and FB users got extremely worried. Confusing as it looks, it appeared that the girl’s legs are thin as a toothpick, and users jumped in the co
ment section with obvious concerns.
The photo has been shared more than 250,000 times on Facebook and more than 37,000 people have commented on it.
However, there is a tiny detail that changes the entire outlook of this story.
Tiny detail that changes everything
Most people were worried for all the right reasons, until they saw one detail.
The optical illusion was that the girl is actually holding a bag of popcorn in her hands.
At first glance we cannot avoid the fact that it looks like the girl is not fed for weeks, but without jumping to conclusions and taking a detailed look at the image, we can spot the bag of popcorn.
We’ve actually circled it so you can see it.

Do you see it now? It all makes sense!
It looks like they are at some festival of some sorts, and contrary to the internet opinion, her parents actually bought her a bag of popcorn to “feed” the “unfed” girl.
She looks a bit grumpy as the sun hits her eyes directly, or her dad told her a really bad dad joke, but apart from that, there’s nothing to worry about. You can sleep well now, she is OKAY!