John Cena Transforms Into a Bull During His Workout – This Is Insane!

John Cena, known for his incredible strength and unmatched charisma, was pushing himself to the limits in the gym. The weights clanged and echoed through the room as he lifted, his muscles flexing with power. His intense focus and determination were clear—he was training harder than ever before, like he had something to prove.

But something strange began to happen. With each rep, something within him was shifting. His body, normally the embodiment of human strength, started to change in an unbelievable way. At first, it was subtle—a slight shift in posture, a strange tingling sensation. But soon, his body grew larger and bulkier, his muscles expanding in ways that defied logic. His skin began to thicken, his bones creaked, and his face began to stretch out, reshaping itself.

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