Embarking on a remarkable journey since 2009, Quest Gulliford from Las Vegas, Nevada, has dedicated over $70,000 to transforming himself with extensive tattoos and body modifications. He has recently revealed his astonishing transformation.

The reveal of Quest Gulliford’s appearance before his extreme tattoo makeover has been astounding.

Today, Quest Gulliford is adorned with around $70,000 worth of tattoos and body modifications, encapsulating him from head to toe. His story, shared with over 1M followers on TikTok, is a testament to his journey.

A cancer survivor shares his eye tattoo experience

About three years ago, Gulliford, also known on TikTok as @guestg.tv, opened up about his experience with eye tattoos, offering insights into what it feels like to have such a unique modification.

Performed in Houston, the process involved injecting ink to dye his eye sclera black. Gulliford describes the process as more of a modification than a traditional tattoo, citing the unique sensation it entails.

His first tattoos were deeply personal, symbolizing his battle and victory over Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a condition he faced in seventh grade. It’s a journey punctuated by ink, starting with representations like “God First” and a purple cancer ribbon.

Gulliford reflects on his ordeal, “I had a significant lymph node growth. It was six months of chemotherapy. I kind of felt like a superhuman after that.

Today, Quest Gulliford is adorned with around $70,000 worth of tattoos and body modifications, encapsulating him from head to toe. His story, shared with over 1M followers on TikTok, is a testament to his journey.

A cancer survivor shares his eye tattoo experience

About three years ago, Gulliford, also known on TikTok as @guestg.tv, opened up about his experience with eye tattoos, offering insights into what it feels like to have such a unique modification.

Performed in Houston, the process involved injecting ink to dye his eye sclera black. Gulliford describes the process as more of a modification than a traditional tattoo, citing the unique sensation it entails.

He admitted, “It took me a long time actually on the day, once I walked into the shop in Houston, Texas, to even psych myself up to get it done.”

From first ink to a body covered: Gulliford’s tattoo journey

In a more reflective moment, Quest Gulliford shared numerous photos that chronicle his tattoo journey, showcasing the evolution from his first few tattoos in 2009 to a full body of artwork by 2019.

The transformation is remarkable, with early images of him sporting only a few chest tattoos, progressing to more elaborate and intense designs covering most of his body.

Gulliford muses on the possible connections between his childhood cancer battle, subsequent bullying, and his passion for tattoos, “I had cancer when I was twelve, but I have no idea whether that has anything to do with my love of tattoos. I got bullied a lot in high school as well, especially when I had cancer and my hair was falling out.”

Please share this incredible story with your family and friends, and let us know what you think!

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