“We are the Robinson Family!
In January of 2019, we welcomed twin Girls into the world. Little did we know, the doctors would come in the room about 10 minutes later and tell us the news we never expected: both of our girls have Down Syndrome.
To say we were shocked was an understatement.
They whisked Katie (twin A) away to the NICU because she was underweight, and put us in a recovery room with Madison (twin 😎.
Over the next few days, weeks, and months we experienced so many emotions. For me, it was mainly grief and anxiety over what was to come.
We were thrown into the world of special needs and if it wasn’t for the help of our community, we would have drowned.
At two months old, Katie was diagnosed with Failure to Thrive due to her heart condition. She had to be put on a feeding tube, and her heart surgery was moved up significantly.
At four months old, she had open heart surgery to repair holes in her heart.
The first year was really tough navigating the world of special needs, but we began to emerge from the fog and start reaching out in our community.
In 2020, COVID hit and we had another baby, Charlotte! We spent the year at home with our babies, getting to know them better and working from home.
In 2021, we moved to Arizona for our jobs, and have LOVED living here! Katie, Madison, and Charlotte have continued to blossom and grow, and lately we have taken to social media to share their story.
We want to encourage families like ours in their special needs journey. We share Katie and Madison with the world not only to advocate for them, but for others like them as well.
They are capable of SO MUCH MORE than the world seems to think, and we are hoping to use social media to flip the script on Down Syndrome.
What was presented to us as a very negative thing has been the greatest JOY in our lives, and we wouldn’t change Katie and Madison for the world.
They have contagious smiles and the best personalities, and they never give up on their goals.”
Credit : Sarah Robinson .

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