Arrogant Woman Bullied Me at the Grocery Store — Moments Later, Karma Taught Her a Lesson in Front of Everyone Tension rises as patrons discreetly witness the scene as an enraged woman bursts into the grocery shop and unleashes her fury on a young clerk. However, just when it looks like the bully would get away with her outburst, something unexpected happens that humiliates her and leaves everyone in disbelief.The grocery store where I worked felt comfortable, albeit it was really more of a large convenience store. The typical group of people kept dropping in and out.Mrs. Johnson, who must have been at least eighty, still made her weekly trip in Tuesdays for her whole grain bread, a couple of soup cans, and, always, a little bouquet. Her usual explanation for the flowers was that they were for her,

“to remind me there’s beauty in this world, even when you’re old.”Like any other day, that one began the same way. As I swiped groceries across the scanner at my checkout lane, I said hello to every client as usual: “How’s your day going?” I asked myself as I mentally tallied the hours till my shift was over. From the bakery aisle, the aroma of freshly made bread blended with the slightly acidic taste of cleaning supplies that had been accidentally spilled at the rear. It was familiar, but it was not glamorous. The front automated doors exploded open as I was about to ring up Mr. Simmons, another regular who had this odd tendency of piling his items in precise towers on the conveyor belt. And she entered.She was coming directly toward my lane, a woman in her late forties, her face contorted into a frown, her hair looking if it had passed through a wind tunnel.A small child, perhaps no older than six or seven, followed her, and I instantly felt sorry for him because of his nervous gait and big eyes. She stormed up to my register, and he was clinging to her hand as if it were the only thing keeping him anchored. Her gaze shot straight to me as if I were the cause of all her misfortunes.

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