Woman died in head-on collision seconds after uploading Facebook status

Certain lessons are timeless and essential, no matter how often they’re taught. These include treating everyone equally, ensuring proper education for children, and practicing safe driving habits.

Driving requires full attention, a point tragically illustrated by the story of Courtney Sanford. In 2014, Courtney posted a Facebook status while driving, saying, “The happy song makes me so HAPPY.” Moments later, she crossed the central reservation and collided head-on with a recycling truck, dying in the crash.

Authorities found no evidence of drink, drugs, or excessive speed. Lt. Chris Weisner of the High Point Police Department emphasized that this incident highlights the dangers of distracted driving. “In a matter of seconds, a life was over just so she could notify some friends that she was happy. It’s really not worth it,” Weisner said.

This heartbreaking story serves as a crucial reminder: nothing is worth the risk of driving distracted. Stay focused and safe on the road.

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