Las Vegas, Nevada: Since the beginning of his spree in 2009, Quest Gulliford has spent over $70,000 on extremely serious tattoos and physical modifications. He has already shared a before and after shot of his makeover.
Is Gulliford’s appearance revealed prior to the radicalization of tattooing?

Gulliford, who had survived Hodgkin’s lymphoma when he was in his ninth year, has taken a tattoo to symbolize his struggle as soon as he was able to.
The tattoos, which feature the phrases “God First” and a blue cancerous tissue, signaled the beginning of a colorful journey that continues to this day.

Gulliford said, “I had a large lymph node that had developed,” as reported by the Daily Mail after six months of chemotherapy. After that, I felt a little more human than before.
Quest Gulliford has almost $70,00 in physical alterations and tattoos covering his entire body, from his head to his toes. With over a million followers on TikTok, he shares his journey here.
A cancer survivor shares with her admirers her experience getting a tongue tattoo.
Four years ago, Gulliford, who uses on TikTok, shared with his devoted fan base his experience getting eye tattoos. Now, he responds to inquiries about his nature.
He underwent surgery in Houston and received an encre injection to darken his eyes. “More than an injection or alteration… not really like a skin tattoo,” he explained the feeling.

It really took me a long time to get motivated to finish this during the day while I was shown around the store in Houston, Texas. »
Extreme tattoo addicts share before and after pictures.
However, more recently, Quest Gulliford released a number of images that detailed her entire tattooing experience. The video, which combines images and recordings, shows its development from 2009 to 2019.
There are a few pictures of him before any writing, with the exception of a couple on his dos. You see them increasing in strength and intensity over the years, until most of their body regains its original encre.

“I was diagnosed with cancer when I was 12 years old, but I’m not sure if that has anything to do with my love of tattoos,” Gulliford stated in a separate video. “I was also the victim of many acts of violence at the secondary school, including when I was diagnosed with cancer and my hair was falling out.”
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