I don’t know about you, but whenever I see one of those missing dog posters, my heart skips a beat. As a dog owner, I imagine how difficult it must be to lose your pet and not know if you are ever going to see them again and whether they are safe or not.

Most dogs that get lost end up living on the streets, and even if they are rescued and taken to a shelter, the chances of them being returned to their initial family are pretty slim. But it does happen. Luckily, it was the case of the adorable dog in the video below. Little Pakita ran away from her owner’s yard when he was not paying attention. The dog was just a puppy then. As soon as he noticed his pup was missing, the owner began looking for her.

But Pakita seemed nowhere to be found. Years later, the dog was rescued from the streets by an animal organization and taken to a shelter. The owner came across a photo of Pakita on the shelter’s website and immediately recognized her, although she was no longer a puppy. So they set up a meeting, as soon as possible.

Despite his enthusiasm, Ariel Naveira, the heartbroken owner, knew it would be pretty hard for his dog to recognize him after more than two years. And his fears came true when Pakita had no reaction when meeting him. But the moment she smells Ariel, everything changes. “It was beautiful,” Ariel told The Dodo. “I was sad to lose her, but to get her back was spectacular. There are no words to describe it.”Ezoic

The man never lost his hope all this time and his beloved puppy never lost loyalty to his human dad. Watch the touching reunion, here:

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